[AVIS] Capita Indoor Survival 2005

Hello, I´m from the Basque Country and although I don´t understan French very well, I think it´s a great forum of snow.

I´m looking for the snowboard Capita Indoor Survival. ¿Has anybody of you this board?
¿Is it a good board for a medium level?

If you know any shop online where I can buy this table, I would be very grateful if you tell me.

Thank you very much.


en francais sa donne quoi … j’ai pas tout comprie

Ha si J’ai comrpi , il demande des consiel pour un Board CAPITA , et si sa corespon a son niveau (je suis tros fort )

par contre capita je connai pas tros

The post title was taggued !

Try to read rules section (if you can)

Hi Guy & wellcome on Snow-Fr It’s a pleasure to have a Basque member

And you’re right, you find the best snowboard forum of the world

So, the Indoor Survival is a great board, very evolutive. I don’t know your riding style (freestyle, freeride…) but this one is a pure freestyle for park and backountry (twin-tip shape). You can use it very oftenly in powder but it’s not its goal.

This board can be ride by anyone who has a little level, so no problem for you . You can believe me, the Indoor is a very good one You’ll not regret.

For the online shop I cannot tell you, but Hokua (a member), will help you on that way, just wait

Good luck & good ride

PS : sorry for my poor english

si tu a bien lu ! il di qu’il ne compren pas tros le francais ! alors lire les regle ! faut oublier

Thank you very much jp for your reply and for the information. Now that I know that It´s a good board to improve I´m going to try to buy it. The only problem is that I don´t find any shop where I can buy it.
Let´s see if Hokua can help me finding a shop. Waiting…


P.D. jp your english is very good, better than mine


capita indoor survival 2005

quelqu’un peut traduire? histoire que les non bilingues comprennent

hello everybody!!!
this forum is now multilang so after the Pinpin and the trasher we have to speak english.
As Jp said, the indoor survival is a very good board with Freestyle skills realy improved.
The finish and materials are quite good and you can add on burton bindings which are perfectly designed for. (capita’s designer are olders burton’s designers).

So to find a shop and if you realy want to buy it a can give you the best adress ever, with some price off on 2005-2006 model before they are in shops!!

contact me by MP (private message) i will give you all you need.

I just want to add that the Indoor Outdoor models look like some fucking DV model from A snowboard, best Board ever, RIP.

Sorry for my fucking american english.

JP & Hokua BB team (Board Bilingue team)

What a fucking post budy !

You suck man

Snow-Fr Rulez

Bravo les gars pour votre anglais.

In my view, i think like the two gays twins.
the design of the boards is really very beautiful. you ace make a very good choice

Good ride

(c’est chaud de parler en anglais!!!) mais j’ai fait l’effort!

t’aurais ptet’ pas du faire l’effort

sinon c dommage ya indyspot qui vient de la vendre, pour une prochaine fois