RATM is back !

Parce qu’il fallait quand même en parler, le myhte Rage Against the Machine est de retour après 7 ans d’abscence. Il font une date cet été a Coachella aux USA !!!

Selon ratm.com :

Breaking News 01/22/07:
Rage Against the Machine will reunite for Coachella!!
You may have heard the rumors, it was confirmed by the L.A. Times and KROQ Monday morning. Rage Against The Machine will be headlining Coachella. New information will be posted here shortly, please check back soon!

Muaha trop bon

Putain paye ta bonne nouvelle !!!..

…la mauvaise c’est que pour se bouger en co-voiturage jusqu’à Coachella,ça risque d’^tre tendu…

vouééééééé C’était obligé que ce groupe se reforme, la voix de Zach de la rocha, la gratte de morello, c’est du domaine de l’inimitable ! Rhaaaaaa que c bon !

Ouais le pire c’est que j’serai a L.A. pendant coachella mais le pass 3j coute 250$

et… (reçu sur myspace)

"coachella tickets
are now sold out!!

sold fucking out!

…they only went on sale, what, like a week or two ago?!

and now 3-day tickets are going for nearly $1000 on ebay, and the sneaky bastards who are selling the tix only bought them for $250 (face value) via ticketmaster!

i can’t fucking believe it!

i was never planning on going this year, but fucking hell, if i had simply bought just one single solitary 3-day ticket and then turned around and sold it on motherfucking ebay, i’d be $600 ahead right now, and the bidding isn’t even over yet and there’ll still be plenty more people wanting to spend ridiculous amounts of money on tickets between now and the festival, i guarantee you!

goldenvoice/coachella/andrew dreskin have got to be raking in some major cash for this year’s festival

considering ticket prices have gone up nearly double, they are literally raking in tens of millions of dollars from the festival (not including profits made from camping, merchandise, and major companies who pay to advertise onsite and through general peripheral pr surrounding coachella via websites, magazines, pamphlets, flyers, billboards, etc)… the whole scope of it all is really quite unbelieveable with the magnitude that this one american festival has taken on in recent years

but millions of dollars or not, if had $250 + service fees, airfare, a rental car, food/spending, and general « recreation » $$ to afford right now, i suppose i would go anyway, but i’d rather kick myself for not making a killing off the teenagers and hardcore festivalites (i am a recovering addict) who would be willing to pay $1000 for one 3-day weekend pass!!

soo anyhow, all bitterness aside, for those of you who are going to the giant moneymaker bootyshaker that is coachella, let me make a few suggestions (i.e. the shit-cut where i recommend a few decent bands that i would potentially pay to go see)…

[and p.s. - have fun and bring me back some ecstasy and glowsticks from the sahara tent!]"

oui mais ya plein degroupe qui se reforme pour soit disant juste un festoch et qui en fait refont une tourné voir un album, regardez immortal
alors patience il vont peut etre décidé de retourner sur scene pour une tite tournée européene!

Oh le bonheur !!!

Qu’est ce que j’ai pu passer comme heure pour jouer leur premier album et pour customiser ma gratte pour avoir le fameux « toggle switch »…

De bon souvenirs tout çà

ouais je pense moi…